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Your own easy RECIPE for magical parenting days!

"You never know what is happening in the future."

Now is the time for magic and milestones

This day I’m going to tell you about was one of those magical parenting days! You know the ones right?

My son (Mr 6) asked me to help him with his jumper, then he opened it himself. I said, ‘see you didn’t need my help you did it yourself’.

Then he said, ‘but Mummy I want to always be your little boy and need your help – but I just keep growing up’.

With a lump in my throat… I said ‘that’s fine bud. I love that you are growing up and I can help you with new things you are learning. And one day you might be helping me’.

He said, ‘yeah you never know what’s happening in the future’, with all his 6-year-old wisdom and honesty.

I sat there thinking, exactly! So, let’s take charge of that “unknown” and enjoy time – Hourglass Time – and enjoy the moments, the milestones and all the magic!

Moments after this happened, as I was sitting in the front yard watching my children ride their bikes, all of a sudden, my son mastered riding his bike.

Just like that! As if, by magic.

The joy was incredible, we jumped up and down and hugged. I then realised, he won’t ever not know how to ride his bike again!

That was it, his journey to that outcome had ended and a new one would now begin. The following weekend we went on a 6km ride through the vineyards in McLaren Vale. So, the part of his journey where he can now go for rides with his family had begun, and he was enjoying the heck out of it. We all were!

What milestones have you enjoyed the most with your children?

What milestones have you missed? I know I missed a few. Actually, I missed my Sons’ 6th Birthday because I accidentally booked a work trip away. Yes, that was when my days were rolling into one and I was running on fumes. The guilt was immense! But I also know that I now enjoy them with an extra sweetness because I recognise what I missed.

Sometimes I was in the room and missed it!

You don't have to be 'there' to be there and,

you don't have to be 'absent' to be absent.

Gosh, I’m so glad I ‘woke-up’ when they were 4 and 6 and not 18 and 19 or worse, when they were adults. Sigh of relief!

This was one of those magical days! Do you ever have those? Those days where you feel like parenting is your JAM. Mine tend to be few and far between – I think I over analyse and probably set my expectations too high – but don’t they deserve that?

When these days happen, they boost your confidence. What makes these days magical for you?

Think about it and write it down. Identify the recipe for a magical parenting day and aim to cook up more magical days or even just moments.

My Magical Parenting Recipe is below:


  • A handful of Nature

  • A dollop of a good book

  • A pinch of Meditation and/or yoga to start the day

  • Several cups of free time! No agenda, no rushing, no need to get ready to go out.

  • PJs are almost essential but can be substituted in the recipe for comfortable clothing options

  • Three ounces of mindful activities such as colouring in, playing with LEGO or doing puzzles

  • A pinch of great healthy snacks

  • A tablespoon of creative play. Setting up play spaces helps to engage them and if you really want the recipe to be great, you can play with them

  • One teaspoon of Movie night. There’s nothing better after a big day of play and ‘being’, than a movie night together.


On these days, I slow down, I’m present, I’m relaxed, and I have no expectations and no agenda. I balance time with the children, with time to potter and get things done around the house. I think about the feel and energy of the day and adjust where necessary. I try to say “yes” more than “no”. I listen to them deeply and support their play by extending it with questions. I think about the environment, the areas set up to invite their play, the temperature & the sounds (sometimes I put on music to support my intention for the day). And most of all I am present. I focus on Hourglass Time and spend as many moments in the present moment as I can.

Not surprising it is magical when I write it out like that.

Searching for and creating space and time for those magical days and moments has become my mission. Living on Hourglass Time has truly made that so much easier. It’s an ever-present reminder for me to be there. These moments will make a difference to my boys and to me!

Enjoy your free gift below. I’ve created a journal page for you to print out. Spend some time thinking about your Magical parenting days and create your own recipe. This way, you can have more magical parenting days. Parenting with intention is a great way to enjoy more magical moments.


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