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The 5 Love Languages of Leadership: Building Stronger Teams in Early Childhood Settings
Inspired by Gary Chapman’s 5 Love Languages Michelle Walsh explores how Early Childhood team culture can be enhanced through acknowledgement
What's it like to work with me as your leader?
I’ve been inspired by the book ‘Lead it like Lasso’ and I've written a letter about what it's like to work with me, based on this book.
PODCAST - Goal setting for your QIP
I had fun recording this Podcast with 1 Place Childcare and wanted to share it with you all. The topic for our conversation was my choice...
Rethinking our language through Critical Reflection
The other night, I was scrolling through Facebook and I came across a post seeking feedback about how other educators would feel about...
Quality Improvement Plan – A Centre Leaders’ Cycle of Planning
Imagine if we thought of our Quality Improvement Plan as our cycle of planning. Would it make a difference to the way we engage with it?...
The day is still young - does your curriculum have a timeframe
As educational practitioners we place so much emphasis on the curriculum and on the experiences we provide for children, but I sometimes...
Leadership Fitness!
The equivalent of leadership in your life is exercise. The more you do it, the easier it gets. The more you do it, the stronger and more...
Wake all the way up! Don't let life slip through your fingers.
Living with Narcolepsy is kind of like finishing up a dream in the morning right before you wake up. Sometimes, I’m not actually sure if...
Your own easy RECIPE for magical parenting days!
"You never know what is happening in the future." Now is the time for magic and milestones This day I’m going to tell you about was one...
Know your parenting 'why'!
If you fast forward in your mind to your children’s wedding day, what do you think about? Do you think about the current issue you have...
Parent regret stops here! Flip that Hourglass over and draw a line in the sand.
My biggest regret as a parent is the amount of travel I have done and the workload that I have taken on in their short lives. I know I...
“They grow up so FAST” - Make the most of every moment!
Do you ever feel like you are sleep walking through your life and your parenting journey? When is the last time you heard someone say...
8 ways parenting your children is just like being a leader: A new way to think about how you parent.
Are you a Leaderful Parent? Have you ever thought of yourself as a leader to your children? If you’ve been a leader in your profession,...
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